Garden Health Household


Bacopa: The Ancient Herb for Brain Health


Bacopa monnieri, also known as Brahmi, is a perennial herb native to wetland areas and has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. Rich in bacosides and antioxidants, it is widely recognized for its cognitive-boosting properties (Livayur).

Medicinal Benefits

  1. Improves Cognitive Function: Bacopa enhances memory, learning, and information retention (Perfect Keto).
  2. Reduces Anxiety & Stress: Known for its adaptogenic properties, Bacopa helps regulate stress and cortisol levels (Healthy-Flakes).
  3. Protects Brain Health: Its antioxidants protect against oxidative stress, potentially aiding in neuroprotection (ivayur).

How to Use

  • Tea: Steep fresh or dried leaves in hot water for 5–10 minutes.
  • Capsules: Take 300–450 mg of standardized extract daily.
  • Tincture: Use 2–3 mL in water or juice.

How to Grow Bacopa

Since Bacopa seeds can be slow to germinate, starting with seedlings is ideal for most gardeners. Here’s how to grow it indoors:

1. Lighting: Place near a window with bright, indirect sunlight.
2. Watering: Keep the soil moist and fill the saucer under the pot with water for continuous hydration.
3. Humidity: Bacopa thrives in high humidity, so mist it regularly or use a humidifier.
4. Temperature: Keep between 65-85°F.
5. Fertilization: Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every 4-6 weeks.
We got our seedlings at a local farmers market.  I’ve also seen them online!

Side Effects & Precautions

  • Possible side effects include nausea, fatigue, or upset stomach.
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid Bacopa (Healthy-Flakes).

Did You Know?

Research suggests Bacopa could be beneficial for ADHD, Alzheimer’s, and lowering blood pressure.

We have an entire page of natural remedies. If you have natural remedies you choose, please share them — it takes a community!

DIY Garden Household sustainability Sustainable

How to beat inflation

6 ways to Beat Inflation with Regenerative Agriculture

How to beat inflation. It’s really about learning how to recycle your materials. We think with the end in mind. So from the waste of the things we buy, we make sure that we can utilize them in our gardens.  Our recycled materials are turned into fertilizers, microbes & soil, and from soil to produce. That savings in produce save us a lot of money over time.

The average American throws out about 5 pounds of waste per day. At least 32% of that is recyclable. That’s about a pound a day or 30 pounds per month…..and that’s where the gold is. Nature already knows how to recycle and rework those materials. So with nature’s assistance, this material is reworked to help go against inflation. As a bonus, It also helps reduce your environmental impact. So I’m going to discuss with you six ways we beat inflation with regenerative agriculture principles.

1. We compost our cooked food waste through a process called Bokashi. It’s a Japanese method of composting that uses a special type of bran to ferment food waste. After it ferments, you can bury it in your garden to become nutrient-rich soil. This process also creates a nutrient-rich liquid that we use as a fertilizer. Since we only buy and grow organic food, we get the benefit of being able to rework all of our food waste into our garden. Nothing we buy goes to waste.

2. Second, we compost all of our raw food waste. We have worm bins buried in our garden and add all of our raw food scraps to it. We also add leaves and yard waste to the compost bin to help with proper composting ratios. We even shred some of our paper waste and add it to the compost bin. Paper waste is a good source of carbon, which is necessary for the composting process. The worms and other insects break all this down within a few weeks, making it nutrient and microbial-rich and immediately ready for use in the garden. Composting like this is three times faster than traditional composting.

3. Third, we mulch tree clippings and put them back into the garden as compost. Mulch helps to keep the soil moist and suppress weeds. It also breaks down over time and adds nutrients to the soil. Three trees give us enough clippings to mulch our entire garden twice yearly. This replaces having to buy outside soil.

4. Fourth, we compost our orange peels, egg shells, and wood ash from the fireplace. These offer unique NPK ratios that help make specific soil and fertilizer arrangements. We are also able to add microbes from diverse sources like worms, chicken & fish waste, and bokashi.

5. Remember, we are in the desert; so we conserve our water. We collect rainwater and use greywater. Greywater is wastewater from sinks, showers, and baths. We reuse it to water our trees. We collect rainwater and use it to offset our drinking water cost, and it’s much healthier to bodies. Overall It’s a huge savings on water costs. 

6. Lastly, number six, we collect our own seeds. Reoccurring seed costs are a significant farm expense, but collecting your seeds helps nullify this cost. You also know precisely where your seeds come from.


At this point, our garden is now producing enough biomass that we no longer have to buy soil or fertilizer.

We also don’t have to grocery shop as much. We get a third of our food from our garden.

The savings from each step in our journey fuels the next step.

This process continues to be repeated and be refined, and with that, our savings grow, and our lifestyle continues to ease, even in an inflated environment.

Over time, you will notice your trash bin shrinking. When you see this happening, you’ll be saving money and the environment. Once you buy the material, it becomes yours, and recycling your waste is like getting compound interest on your money. Some of the materials we put in our garden years ago still give back today.

Don’t be discouraged; we started this process with one plant. So, just one small step at a time is all you need. Check our our website for more infor graphics on the process.

Also Please check out our off-grid series to learn more about living a more self-sufficient, self-sustainable lifestyle. In this series, we show the building of a rainwater harvesting system, greywater system, and compost bin,  and much more all in one working system off-grid.

I hope you enjoyed this video! If you did, please give it a thumbs up, like and share it with those you think it will help, and subscribe for more tips on self-sufficient living. If you have any questions, or ideas we can all benefit prom please leave them in the comments below. Until the next time my friends, Eat Green Get Sun & Stay grounded.

Be sure to check out our page on natural remedies  and add some of those natural ingredients to your recipe.

DIY Garden Health Household sustainability Sustainable


Want to Keep Your Brain Sharp? Add This to Your Garden

Rosemary isn’t just a fragrant herb that adds flavor to your dishes; it’s a powerhouse of health benefits and may even be able to prevent your brain from aging.

A Little History

Rosemary’s botanical name is Rosmarinus officinalis, and it’s part of the mint family. Its name derives from the Latin words “ros” meaning dew, and “marinus” meaning sea – giving it the meaning of “dew of the sea.” Rosemary is native to the Mediterranean region and has been revered since ancient times by cultures like the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians for its culinary and healing properties.

In ancient Greece, students wore rosemary garlands while studying, as it was believed to improve memory and concentration. The plant was considered sacred by the Romans, who used it for purification rituals and crowned newlyweds with rosemary wreaths as symbols of love and loyalty. Clearly, this herb has been valued throughout history!

Benefits of Rosemary:

So what’s so great about rosemary? Let me count the ways…

For starters, it’s packed with powerful antioxidants like vitamin E, vitamin C, and plant compounds called polyphenols. This helps neutralize free radicals and fight oxidative stress in the body, which plays a role in aging and many diseases. Some researchers even suggest rosemary may help prevent cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

There’s credible research from respected sources like the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation, and Journal of Medicinal Food suggesting rosemary may have the ability to protect brain cells. That means regularly consuming rosemary through things like rosemary tea, seasonings, or extracts may be an effective way to take advantage of brain-boosting benefits, like keeping your brain healthy and helping preserve memory, learning, and overall cognitive function as we get older.

Rosemary is also an anti-inflammatory superhero thanks to its abundance of compounds like carnosic acid. This helps reduce inflammation throughout the body, providing relief for issues like muscle soreness, arthritis, and even asthma attacks. Speaking of muscles, rosemary has long been used to improve circulation – the increased blood flow can help muscles recover faster after a tough workout.

As if that’s not enough, rosemary has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that make it a natural germ-fighter. Studies show it can inhibit the growth of certain strains of bacteria and fungi. Sipping some rosemary tea may just help that annoying sore throat!

The benefits truly go on and on, but I think you get the idea – rosemary is one mighty herb! Now for the fun part – how to get your hands on some.

How to Grow Rosemary at Home:

Your first option is to grow it yourself. Rosemary is incredibly easy to cultivate, even for those new to the garden. This evergreen perennial thrives in full sun and well-drained soil. Plant it once and it will just keep on giving year after year! Rosemary can also tolerate droughts quite well once established.

You can find rosemary plants at most nurseries in the spring. Or, you can easily start from seed or take cuttings from an existing plant to propagate new ones. Rosemary makes a fantastic addition to garden beds, containers, and even herb spirals.

Other Places to Find Rosemary:

If gardening isn’t your thing, you can find dried rosemary or even buy fresh rosemary plants at many grocery stores and farmers markets.

However you acquire it, I highly recommend having a fresh rosemary plant around. There’s just something so satisfying about being able to pluck sprigs right from your own plant to use in cooking or home remedies! Those intoxicating aromas alone are reason enough.

Simple Ways to Use Rosemary:

Now that I’ve convinced you to embrace rosemary, let’s talk about easy ways to use it:

  • Add sprigs to roasted veggies, soups, breads, marinades – the options are endless
  • Infuse olive oil with rosemary for dipping or drizzling
  • Make a refreshing rosemary lemonade or sun tea
  • Dry the leaves and use them in sachets, potpourri, or smudge sticks
  • Create salves, creams, or hair rinses by steeping the herb in oils/butters
  • Take advantage of its fumigant properties by burning bundles to purify air

The possibilities truly are limitless with this versatile plant!


We have an entire page of natural remedies.  Let us know if you have any of your own.

DIY Garden Health Household sustainability Sustainable

Bentonite clay

The Power of Bentonite Clay… Unleashed on our Family Land

Imagine stumbling upon a hidden gem on your own land. That’s exactly what happened to us on land that’s been in our family for more than 100 years…. in Texas.

As we were digging a pond, we stumbled upon an ample supply of bentonite clay.  We always knew it was present throughout the land.  But seeing it in abundance firsthand was truly eye-opening… especially considering the red clay has been cherished for centuries.

The history of bentonite clay stretches back through the ages, with various civilizations recognizing its remarkable properties. Ancient cultures such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Native Americans harnessed its power for healing and purification purposes. This clay was considered a prized possession, revered for its ability to draw out impurities and promote overall well-being. Today, we feel incredibly fortunate to have this treasure right beneath our feet. It’s like a magic potion for our skin, hair, and overall well-being. So let’s dive deeper into its benefits, uses and I even include a unique recipe to revitalize your skin using bentonite clay.


Detoxification and Purification:

Let’s start with its detoxifying powers. Bentonite clay has an incredible ability to absorb toxins and impurities from our skin. When applied, it acts like a magnet, drawing out excess oil, dirt, and grime, leaving our skin feeling refreshed and revitalized. It’s like a mini spa treatment in the comfort of your own home!


Nourishing Skin Care:

Not only does bentonite clay detoxify, but it also nourishes our skin with essential minerals. Silica, calcium, magnesium, and potassium work together to give our skin a healthy and radiant glow. Think of it as nature’s own multivitamin for your skin!

Hair Rejuvenation:

But wait, there’s more! Bentonite clay isn’t just for our skin—it’s a hair superhero too. If you’ve been dealing with product buildup or an oily scalp, this clay can come to your rescue. It gently removes impurities, excess oil, and residue, bringing balance back to your scalp.


Enhance Your Garden:

Bentonite clay not only benefits us personally but also plays a role in helping the environment thrive. It promotes agriculture and minimizes the need for harmful chemicals. The clay’s water-retention properties help conserve water by soaking up excess moisture and preventing soil erosion. This means less water is wasted, and it helps conserve one of our most precious resources.

Additionally, it improves soil quality by enriching it with essential minerals and nutrients. Bentonite clay even detoxifies the soil, removing harmful substances, purifying it and creating a healthier ecosystem.


Here are some practical ways to incorporate bentonite clay into your routine:

Face Mask: ( I have a full recipe at the bottom of this blog)

Create a rejuvenating face mask by mixing bentonite clay with water or other natural ingredients like apple cider vinegar, rosewater, or aloe vera gel. Apply the mask to your face, leave it on for about 15-20 minutes, then rinse off with warm water. This helps to detoxify the skin, unclog pores, and absorb excess oil.

Hair Mask:

Revitalize your hair by making a nourishing hair mask with bentonite clay. Mix the clay with water, aloe vera gel, or your favorite hair conditioner to form a paste. Apply it to your hair, focusing on the roots and scalp, and let it sit for around 20-30 minutes. Rinse thoroughly to remove the mask and enjoy the benefits of increased volume, reduced oiliness, and improved scalp health.

Body Detox Bath:

Add bentonite clay to your bathwater to create a detoxifying bath. Mix a quarter to half a cup of clay into warm bathwater and soak for 20-30 minutes. The clay helps draw out toxins from your body, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Spot Treatment:

For pesky blemishes or insect bites, make a paste using bentonite clay and water. Apply it directly to the affected area, let it dry, then rinse off. The clay’s absorbent properties can help soothe irritation and reduce redness.

Oral Rinse:

Bentonite clay can also be used for oral care. Mix a small amount of clay with water to create a liquid paste, then swish it around in your mouth for a couple of minutes before spitting it out. This can help freshen your breath and promote oral health.

** Remember, it’s essential to use high-quality, pure bentonite clay and follow the instructions provided. If you have sensitive skin or any underlying skin conditions, perform a patch test before applying bentonite clay to larger areas. As always, consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns or specific medical conditions.


DIY Bentonite Clay Face Mask:

To revitalize your skin, try this simple and effective face mask recipe:


  • 1 tablespoon bentonite clay
  • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon raw honey
  • 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil (optional)


  • In a small bowl, combine bentonite clay, apple cider vinegar, and raw honey.
  • Mix well until you have a smooth, creamy consistency.
  • Add a few drops of essential oil for a delightful aroma and added benefits.
  • Apply the mask to clean skin, avoiding the eye area.
  • Leave it on for about 10-15 minutes, or until it dries.
  • Gently rinse off with warm water, followed by a moisturizer.


We have an entire page of even more natural remedies. If you have natural remedies you use, please share them — it takes a community!

DIY Health Household


Anxiety is something most of us experience at some point in our lives. While prescription medications are available, it’s important to explore natural remedies that can provide effective relief. Oats are one of those remedies that can support your emotional well-being while adding some deliciousness to your life!

Understanding Anxiety Disorders:

Before we delve into the remarkable benefits of oats, it’s important to understand the various types of anxiety disorders. These include anxiety disorder due to a medical condition, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, selective mutism, separation anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, specific phobias, substance-induced anxiety disorder, and other specified/unspecified anxiety disorders. These conditions can significantly impact our daily lives, making even simple tasks seem overwhelming.  So if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, you’re not alone, and there are solutions.

The Power of Nutritious Foods:

While anxiety can be challenging, making positive changes to our diet can help manage its symptoms. By selecting foods that promote emotional balance and support our overall well-being, we take a step towards a happier and calmer existence. Eating healthy is not just about nourishing our bodies; it’s about feeding our minds and souls too.

One incredible food that fits the bill perfectly is oats. Not only are oats affordable and easy to cook, but they also offer numerous benefits for anxiety relief. Let’s take a closer look at how oats can positively impact your emotional well-being:

  • Boosts Serotonin Levels: According to the Mayo Clinic, the carbohydrates found in oats help increase serotonin levels in our brains. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that promotes feelings of calmness and relaxation, making it a powerful ally in the battle against anxiety.
  • Superfood Goodness: Oats are a true superfood! Packed with essential nutrients, they provide a wide range of health benefits beyond anxiety relief. Oats are an excellent source of dietary fiber, which aids in regulating blood sugar levels and promoting a healthy digestive system.

Creative Ways to Enjoy Oats:

Now that we understand the remarkable benefits of oats for anxiety, let’s explore some delightful recipes that incorporate this fantastic grain into your diet. The nice thing is that oats can be eaten raw or cooked.  Below are some recipes to consider that contain oats. I do my best to avoid adding sugar to my recipes.  If you need to sweeten things up, consider alternatives like fresh or dried fruit (watch your portions with dried fruit because they are concentrated in natural sugars).  Honey or agave nectar will also do the trick, but again use it in moderation since they still contain sugars. Stevia and Monk Fruit can also be great options, as well as unsweetened nut butter.

Some recipes to consider:

  • Oatmeal Cookies – Indulge your sweet tooth while enjoying the anxiety-reducing properties of oats. Remember, avoid as many processed ingredients as feasible.
  • Oatmeal Fruit Bowls – Start your mornings off right with a nutritious and refreshing bowl of oatmeal combined with your favorite fruits.
  • Traditional Cooked Oatmeal – Experiment with different toppings like berries, nuts, or a drizzle of honey to add a touch of excitement to your breakfast routine.
  • Home-made granola – Create your own homemade granola using oats as a base. Combine them with your favorite nuts, dried fruits, and a touch of sweetness, then bake to golden perfection. Enjoy it as a snack or sprinkle it over yogurt for a delightful crunch.
  • Oats in Cereal: Elevate your cereal game by using oats as a base or mixing them with your favorite low-sugar cereals. Look for whole grain, low-sugar options such as bran flakes or unsweetened puffed cereals. You can add a sprinkle of cinnamon, a handful of nuts or seeds, and fresh fruits to enhance the flavor and nutritional value without relying on added sugars.

Here is my dairy-free recipe for overnight oats:


1 cup oats- old fashioned oats work best

I cup milk- any milk works for this recipe (I like coconut milk)

I tbsp chia seeds- Optional 

2 tbsp yogurt of your choice (I enjoy almond milk yogurt)

1 tbsp honey or sweetener if desired

1 tbsp nuts of choice- (I enjoy almonds and pecans)-Optional

1/2 tbsp coconut flakes- Optional

1/3 cup fresh fruit


Combine all dry ingredients 

Add milk and yogurt then stir to mix

Add sweetener 

Add fruit on top (do not mix in until ready to eat)

Cover and refrigerate overnight. 

We have an entire page of even more natural remedies. If you have natural remedies you use, please share them — it takes a community!

DIY Health Household

Turmeric Milk

Sip, Sleep, Soothe: The Magical Powers of Turmeric Milk


I want to share an incredible discovery I made recently when battling a stubborn head cold. It involved a simple, yet mighty potion called turmeric milk. Trust me, it’s a game-changer!

Picture this: I’m feeling under the weather, my head feels like it’s about to explode, my nose is constantly running and my throat is on fire. Desperate for relief, a friend suggests trying turmeric milk. I’m intrigued, so I dive into some online research, gather a few ingredients, and put my own spin on a recipe. 

Before I give you the recipe, let’s talk about the superpowers of turmeric. This golden spice has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine and is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It’s like a superhero for your immune system! But here’s the catch: turmeric is not easily absorbed by our bodies. That’s where the pepper and coconut oil come in. They team up to make sure those beneficial compounds make their way into your bloodstream.

So, I whipped up a steaming mug of turmeric milk using almond milk, a pinch of pepper, a drizzle of coconut oil, a dash of cinnamon, a spoonful of honey, and a generous sprinkle of turmeric. Let me tell you, it was a delightful surprise for both my taste buds and my health!

Not only was it yummy and soothing, but it worked wonders overnight. I slept soundly, my throat felt instantly relieved, and when I woke up in the morning, I was already feeling at least 60% better. Coincidence? I think not! Sure, my immune system was doing its thing, but I firmly believe that turmeric milk gave it a powerful boost.

Now, I can’t promise that turmeric milk will cure all your ailments, but I can vouch for its potent healing properties. It’s like a warm, comforting hug for your body and soul. Plus, with its anti-inflammatory benefits, it’s a fantastic addition to any wellness routine.

Ready to give it a try? Here’s my simple and delicious recipe:

Ingredients: (1 serving)

• 1 cup of almond milk (or any plant-based milk you prefer)

• 1 teaspoon of ground turmeric

• A tiny pinch of black pepper (to unlock turmeric’s superpowers)

• 1 teaspoon of coconut oil

• 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon

• 1 tablespoon of honey (adjust to your taste buds’ liking)


·         In a small saucepan, gently heat the almond milk over low to medium heat.

·          Add turmeric, black pepper, coconut oil, and cinnamon to the warm milk.

·         Whisk everything together until well combined and heated through, about 10 minutes.

·         Pour into your favorite mug, and sweeten with honey to taste.

·         Sip slowly, and let the soothing magic unfold!

Feel free to experiment and adjust the ingredients according to your preferences.

So, the next time you’re feeling a bit under the weather or simply want a comforting and nourishing beverage, give turmeric milk a try. It’s like a little cup of sunshine that may just brighten your day and boost your well-being.

Remember, our journey to a healthier, happier life is all about discovering natural remedies and sharing them with our loved ones. So go ahead, brew up a batch of turmeric milk, and let me know how it works its magic for you!

Don’t forget to share this blog with your friends and loved ones who could use a little natural healing too. 


We have an entire page of natural remedies. If you have natural remedies you choose, please share them — it takes a community!

Garden Health Household


Discover the Healing Power of Sage: From Hot Flashes to Cold Sores


When you think of sage you may think of burning it in your house to help get rid of bad energy, or using the herb for its yummy flavor in your favorite recipes.  But there is so much more to this small plant than you may think.

One of the more common varieties of sage, Salvia officinalis — also known as common sage, has been used for centuries in traditional medicine because it’s loaded with vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants… all known for protecting our bodies against disease.

And there are several ways to get the benefits… whether it be dried, or taken internally as a liquid, capsule, spray, tea, as a topical, or even cooked.

This blog shows you why you want to use sage and how to use it safely.



Sage is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties so that in itself makes sage a powerhouse. Antioxidants work by neutralizing free radicals (unstable molecules that can damage your cells and contribute to development of chronic diseases).  So if antioxidants are neutralizing those free radicals, naturally it helps prevent them from causing harm to the body. Some of the specific antioxidants found in sage:

  • Rosmarinic and ellagic acids — known for their anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and antibacterial properties
  • Quercetin and Flavonoids — shown to reduce inflammation, protect against heart disease, cancer and improve brain function



Colds, coughs and other respiratory issues

Sage has antibacterial, astringent, and antiseptic properties! This can help soothe that sore throat and that nasty cough from your lungs.  Sage will help with inflammation in turn making that annoying common cold feel better faster.


To use sage for a cough, make a tea!  Steep 1-2 teaspoons of dried sage leaves in a cup of hot water for 5-10 minutes.  Try drinking 1-2 cups per day to help alleviate symptoms.

You can also add a few fresh or dried sage leaves to a pot of hot water.  Inhale the steam to help clear congestion.



Oral Health

The antimicrobial effects also can help prevent cavities in your mouth because it can kill the bacteria that causes dental plaque and gum diesease.  The astringent properties in sage may help tighten the gums and reduce inflammation.

You’ll find several recipes online to make a mouthwash using sage:

  • Bring a cup of water to a boil
  • Add 1-2 teaspoons of dried sage leaves to the pot and let them steep for 5 – 10 minutes
  • Strain the sage leaves out of the water, allow it to cool
  • Transfer your sage mouthwash to a container and store in the fridge til you’re ready to swish.



Sage has been used traditionally to help alleviate menopause symptoms, such as hot flashes, night sweats, dryness and irritability.

It is thought that some compounds in sage have certain estrogen-like properties that can trick your body.

To use sage for menopause symptoms, make a tea just as you would for a cough!  Steep 1-2 teaspoons of dried sage leaves in a cup of hot water for 5-10 minutes.  Try drinking 1-2 cups per day to help alleviate symptoms.

Another option to reduce hot flashes is to add a few fresh or dried sage leaves to a pot of hot water and inhaling the steam.


Cold Sore

Because of the antiviral and antimicrobial properties found in sage, the herb can help reduce inflammation and kill the virus that causes cold sores.


To use sage for cold sores, make tea!  But this time you’re not drinking it.  Once the tea has cooled, use a cotton swab to apply the tea to the affected area.

Another option is to mix a few drops of sage essential oil with a carrier oil and apply it to the affected area.  I’ve read that adding rhubarb to the mix tends to work better.


There are tons of other ways to reap the benefits of sage including making tinctures and it’s also available in capsule form.  We can’t forget cooking with it.  It is generally believed that the medicinal benefits of sage are retained when it’s cooked, one reason why it’s been used fresh and dried in a variety of dishes for centuries.   

But keep in mind, the concentration of beneficial compounds in sage may vary depending on how it is prepared and consumed.  For example, sage tea is likely to have a higher concentration of beneficial compounds that sage that is cooked and consumed as part of a dish.


You can grow it!

Another benefit, it’s relatively easy for you to grow your own! It’s a hardy perennial plant that is native to the Mediterranean region, but it can be grown in other parts of the world too, including right here in Phoenix.  The plant likes a sunny location with well-draining soil.  And they don’t need much space so you can even plant them in pots and use them fresh or dry.


If you decide to grow a plant, let us know and send photos.

We have an entire page of natural remedies. If you have natural remedies you choose, please share them — it takes a community!

Garden Health Household


Things No One Ever Told You About Eucalyptus: a blog about the benefits and dangers of eucalyptus.

Eucalyptus is an evergreen tree native to Australia.  You might be most familiar with eucalyptus plants as a favorite food of the koala.  Once you learn about its medicinal properties, it may become a favorite for you too.

The leaves of the eucalyptus tree contain oils that are believed to have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. These oils are commonly used in a variety of products, including throat lozenges, rubs, and inhalants.

One of the most common uses for eucalyptus is as a decongestant. When the oils are inhaled, they can help to clear nasal passages and relieve congestion caused by colds, flu, and allergies. Eucalyptus inhalants can be found in the form of oils, sprays, and steam inhalants. To use eucalyptus as a decongestant, simply add a few drops of the oil to a large bowl of hot, steaming water, throw a towel over your head and inhale the steam. Alternatively, you can use a eucalyptus inhalant spray or apply eucalyptus oil to a cloth and inhale the scent. However, it is important to use eucalyptus oil in moderation and to dilute it with a carrier oil, such as almond oil or coconut oil, before applying it to a cloth.

In addition to its use as a decongestant, eucalyptus is also believed to have pain-relieving properties. It is commonly used to treat muscle aches, arthritis, and other types of chronic pain. Eucalyptus can be applied topically in the form of creams, gels, and rubs, or it can be taken orally in the form of supplements.

Eucalyptus is also believed to have antibacterial and antiviral properties, making it a popular choice for the treatment of wounds and skin infections. It is commonly used in the form of a cream or ointment and can be applied directly to the affected area.

One fact that many people may not know about eucalyptus is that it is often used as a natural pest control. The strong scent of the eucalyptus oil is believed to repel insects, including mosquitoes, flies, and fleas. Eucalyptus oil can be applied topically or diffused using an essential oil diffuser to keep pests at bay.

In conclusion, eucalyptus is a versatile and effective natural remedy that can be used to treat a wide range of ailments, including congestion, pain, and skin infections. Its strong, refreshing scent makes it a popular choice for use in a variety of products, including inhalants, creams, and diffusers.

** As with anything, moderation and following instructions are key.    

Eucalyptus oil is generally considered safe when used as directed. However, it can be toxic if ingested in large amounts or if it comes into contact with the eyes. Ingesting eucalyptus oil can cause symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. If ingested in large amounts, eucalyptus oil can cause more serious symptoms, including dizziness, drowsiness, and even coma.

The safe use of eucalyptus oil depends on several factors, including the intended use of the oil and the person using it. Here are some general guidelines for the safe use of eucalyptus oil:

  • Topical use: When used topically, eucalyptus oil should be diluted with a carrier oil, such as almond oil or coconut oil. A dilution of 2-5% eucalyptus oil is generally considered safe for adults. This means that for every 1 ounce (30 mL) of carrier oil, you should use no more than 15-30 drops of eucalyptus oil.
  • Inhalation: Eucalyptus oil can be inhaled to help clear congestion and relieve other respiratory symptoms. When using eucalyptus oil for inhalation, it is generally safe to use a few drops of the oil in a bowl of hot water or in an essential oil diffuser. Avoid inhaling eucalyptus oil directly from the bottle, as this can be irritating to the respiratory system.
  • Oral consumption: Eucalyptus oil should not be taken orally unless directed by a healthcare provider. If you are considering taking eucalyptus oil orally, it is important to speak with your healthcare provider first to determine the safe dosage for your specific needs.

** It is always a good idea to start with a low concentration of eucalyptus oil and gradually increase the amount if needed. If you experience any adverse reactions after using eucalyptus oil, stop using it immediately and seek medical attention.


If you’re like me, always looking for ways to be more self sufficient, you may be thinking about growing it.  Great news… it’s feasible.  In its natural Australian environment, it can grow to nearly 60 feet, a little bigger than I think I can handle.  Fortunately, when planting eucalyptus in home gardens, it stays much smaller… around six to ten feet high. Being that is native to Australia, it is well adapted to dry, hot conditions.  Keep in mind, eucalyptus can be sensitive to frost and may not survive in areas with cold winters.

If you decide to plant a tree, let us know and send photos.

We have an entire page of natural remedies. If you have natural remedies you choose, please share them — it takes a community!



Garden Health Household

Marshmallow plant

We recently discovered a gem in our backyard.  We originally thought it was just an invasive weed until we did a little research.  We’re talking the marshmallow plant, AKA common mallow!  You commonly see them all over when it’s cold and damp.  Your first instinct may be to pull it… but don’t. This plant was a gift in ancient Egypt and only available for the wealthy… but now marshmallow root is used as a main ingredient in most medicines that you may consume, so consider yourself like royalty. There is no wonder the benefits of this root are so high!


Cough and Sore Throat

The extract from marshmallow root is used in so many throat lozenges and cough syrups because it helps relieve the inflammation in your throat and reduces the urge to cough. The herb contains mucilage, a mucus-like substance that coats and soothes your throat.  It’s that same substance that helps relieve irritation in your throat, uplifting a sore throat and making it go away faster.



Digestive Issues

If the acid in your stomach is causing heartburn, ulcers, bloating or just aches and pains marshmallow root tea is perfect for you because it’s known to decrease inflammation and form a barrier against irritants like stomach acid. Even mix it with ginger and/or peppermint oil for triple the threat towards that acid to make you feel better in no time!


Skin Health

Remember the mucus-like substance called mucilage found in the root of the marshamallow plant?  Researchers say that same substance reduces swelling, kills bacteria, and even softens your skin! Dermatologists say it’s one of the star ingredients in many skincare products because of the skin-conditioning and healing benefits. You can put this on anything from bug bites to dry skin to burns and wounds. Don’t be alarmed if you have hypersensitive skin because it has even helped in not hurting overly sensitive skin or those with allergies. Just apply a cream with marshmallow root as one of the main ingredients and you are sure to have smoother and pain free skin in no time.  Drinking marshmallow root tea can also help.  In fact some people actually apply the cooled tea to their skin to help reduce swelling.

We have an entire page of natural remedies. If you have natural remedies you choose, please share them — it takes a community!

Household sustainability Sustainable

Solar shades

Before we built our off-grid shipping container homes, I must admit, my idea of off-grid was not what we have experienced.  I expected it to be so hard, to feel like we would have to make a lot of changes and sacrifices to our lifestyle.  And I was ready for the journey.  But it’s not at all what I expected.

Being off-grid is really like being your own EPA because you have to manage your own resources.  Our bread and butter is the sun and the rain; Solar has been running pretty much everything for us, from the refrigerator to the lights.  And we don’t have a big power system; you can really call us power poor, so we definitely monitor our power usage.  This also means temperature control is a priority.  And since we haven’t installed an AC unit yet, we utilize the sun to heat up our container. 

One of the things that has made a huge difference is our window coverings.  We had temporary paper blinds up for about 2 years, and they were great for privacy but didn’t do enough for controlling the temperature.

We had all sorts of consequences from hot and cold temperatures — motors freezing, leaks, things melting including my favorite candle and the list goes on.  So, we replaced our temporary paper blinds with solar-powered, motorized shades from Somfy and Eclipse Luxury Shades and I couldn’t be more grateful because the energy savings and convenience were immediate and gave us so much more control.  We measured the temperature change, and the shades made the containers 8 degrees cooler… huuuuuge difference.

So let me share with you some of the reasons we chose these specific shades.

When we first discovered Somfy and Eclipse Luxury Shades, I was immediately impressed with their eco-friendly options.  They even had shades made from recycled water bottles, and they were gorgeous.  I didn’t think we would really be able to use the motorized option because again, being off-grid, we are counting our energy.  But these motorized shades don’t suck up our energy.  In fact, we don’t have to think about charging the batteries for at least two years. And even that process is convenient… you just plug them in.

And for the shades that are facing the south, they don’t need charging at all because they are solar-powered, perfect for being off-grid. 

So our off-grid home feels like a smart Jetsons home because with a touch of a button, the shades go up at down at our request.  And they’re so quiet.  We have the shades programmed in sections… so we can press a button to control all of the shades at once or just a few at a time.  We wake up in the mornings, press a button and the shades on one side of the container goes up to let the sun in to start heating things up.  We press another button, and the shades in the bedroom open up without us having to get out of bed.  It’s priceless.

One of the features we haven’t used is with Wi-Fi; you can control the shades from anywhere using their app.  You can even talk to the shades through Alexa and Google Assistant. 

I could go on and on about this experience, which is why I had to share it. 

Experiencing this off-grid lifestyle has been a win-win… we are getting closer to zero waste every day, we are not affected as much by inflation, we are learning so much and having fun doing it and we are building a legacy for generations to come.

So join us on our journey!

View the entire journey in more detail here.


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