Garden Health Household

Marshmallow plant

We recently discovered a gem in our backyard.  We originally thought it was just an invasive weed until we did a little research.  We’re talking the marshmallow plant, AKA common mallow!  You commonly see them all over when it’s cold and damp.  Your first instinct may be to pull it… but don’t. This plant was a gift in ancient Egypt and only available for the wealthy… but now marshmallow root is used as a main ingredient in most medicines that you may consume, so consider yourself like royalty. There is no wonder the benefits of this root are so high!


Cough and Sore Throat

The extract from marshmallow root is used in so many throat lozenges and cough syrups because it helps relieve the inflammation in your throat and reduces the urge to cough. The herb contains mucilage, a mucus-like substance that coats and soothes your throat.  It’s that same substance that helps relieve irritation in your throat, uplifting a sore throat and making it go away faster.



Digestive Issues

If the acid in your stomach is causing heartburn, ulcers, bloating or just aches and pains marshmallow root tea is perfect for you because it’s known to decrease inflammation and form a barrier against irritants like stomach acid. Even mix it with ginger and/or peppermint oil for triple the threat towards that acid to make you feel better in no time!


Skin Health

Remember the mucus-like substance called mucilage found in the root of the marshamallow plant?  Researchers say that same substance reduces swelling, kills bacteria, and even softens your skin! Dermatologists say it’s one of the star ingredients in many skincare products because of the skin-conditioning and healing benefits. You can put this on anything from bug bites to dry skin to burns and wounds. Don’t be alarmed if you have hypersensitive skin because it has even helped in not hurting overly sensitive skin or those with allergies. Just apply a cream with marshmallow root as one of the main ingredients and you are sure to have smoother and pain free skin in no time.  Drinking marshmallow root tea can also help.  In fact some people actually apply the cooled tea to their skin to help reduce swelling.

We have an entire page of natural remedies. If you have natural remedies you choose, please share them — it takes a community!


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