
Egyptian spinach

I am so excited to introduce you to molokhiya, also known as Jew’s mallow, jute mallow, and Egyptian spinach… among other titles depending on what part of the world you’re in.

It isn’t your typical spinach.  It originated in Egypt but has since spread all over the world.

And for good reason; Egyptian spinach has a powerhouse of nutrients that can benefit your whole body.

It’s touted to have more Vitamin E, C, potassium, iron and fiber than any other vegetable!

More benefits… it has nine times more calcium than spinach, nearly five times more carotene,  B1 and B2 than spinach.

According to the International Journal of Research, Egyptian spinach has more than 30 vitamins and minerals.

So what does this mean?

It’s an excellent food to boost your immune system; it’s known to regulate digestion, help fight acne, help build strong bones, improve circulation, protect heart health, and reduce inflammation. The magnesium in Egyptian spinach is supposed to even help you sleep.

And you can do so much with it.

I add it to my salads, beans, stews, even tea.  In fact, many people use it in their soups because when you boil it, it makes sort of a broth. And making a tea is supposed to help reduce pain for things like arthritis, headaches and belly aches because of its anti-inflammatory properties.

You can enjoy the benefits of the leaves raw or cooked.


Fun Legends:

It’s said that Cleopatra saw the soup as her secret for maintaining her youthful appearance.  Legends say she used to eat a soup of the leaves daily.

It’s also said that consuming the vegetable was once limited only to pharaohs.




In fact, not only are there no restrictions to how much you can buy; you can plant it yourself!

And one thing I love about planting it is that it likes the heat.  It’s one of the few green vegetables that thrive in the Arizona summers.

So that means if I’m growing outdoors, I can enjoy my regular spinach in the winter, and my Egyptian spinach in the summer.




Egyptian spinach is fairly easy to plant, even here in the desert.

It’s so easy that we planted it once and it comes back every year, all over my yard.

So I save the seeds and offer them on our Etsy site


If you’re planting outdoors, you’ll want to plant in the spring, after all chance of frost has passed.

I plant the seeds about ¼ inch deep and about two inches apart.  The seeds are so small that I just draw a line in the soil, drop the seeds and sprinkle soil on top.  So that tells you, you don’t need to bury the seeds deep.  When deciding how close to plant, keep in mind that the plants tend to grow outward, like a shrub. 



The plants prefer full sun, and well-draining soil.

I love using ollas for all of my plants because it allows the plants to take the exact amount of water they need, so you don’t have to worry about over or under watering.  Plus we use rainwater in our ollas.

When the temperatures reach 100 degrees in the summer, we often turn on the sprinklers to water once per day for 20 minutes.


If you plant Egyptian spinach, we’d love to see the progress.  And of course if you have recipes, send those our way as well.


Don’t forget, we have natural remedies for everything from heart health, indigestion, acne, blood pressure – the list goes on.



What you didn’t know about Frankincense

When many people first think of the word “frankincense,” they might think of its reference in the Biblical tale. For thousands of years, frankincense has been regarded as a healing fragrance that promotes peace and meditation. Now, more recent studies about frankincense may back this claim! It’s part of the reason its earned the reputation as the “king of oils.”

So, let’s break it down. Frankincense is an aromatic resin (or dried sap) that comes from the trunk of the Boswellia tree that grows in dry regions of the Middle East, India, and Africa. Frankincense has been used in Ayurvedic medicine, which is an alternative medicinal system that began in India. The smell of frankincense is what might be most distinctive. It has a very spicy, sweet, woody fragrance to it which is why it typically comes in an oil form so that it can be diffused. Frankincense can be taken as a supplement, inhaled, absorbed into the skin, and infused into tea. Frankincense essential oil is recommended by most… and for good reason!

For people, a notable benefit is that it can help ease anxiety and stress. Frankincense has been shown to improve breathing and have a calming effect on the respiratory system. Some research suggests that there are compounds that can prevent leukotriene production, which is what causes bronchial muscles to constrict and therefore making it harder to breathe. The aroma of frankincense relaxes the diaphragm, encouraging slower, more controlled breaths. This ultimately helps ease stress and anxiety, and prevent the onset of panic attacks. Frankincense is commonly used in aromatherapy for this reason.

Frankincense is also claimed to be anti-inflammatory. Research did show that boswellic acid, an active compound in frankincense, reduced inflammation in patients with arthritis and osteoarthritis. The boswellic acids may also help prevent cancer from spreading and help with toothaches and bad breath. It’s also been known to reduce inflammation in the gut. Even more, rejuvenating damaged skin… which means its great for wound healing.

This next thing I read excited me… frankincense can be used for pets! Yes, really! Frankincense oil is safe for pets – dogs, cats, horses, cattle, etc. – when used in moderation. Frankincense can be used in animals for wound care, behavioral improvement, and easing anxiety. The same benefits that it has for humans, it has for animals. However, frankincense should be heavily diluted if you’re giving it to your pet. And it’s still best to check with your veterinarian first to make sure it’s safe for use on your animal!

After hearing this, you know how had to get in the kitchen. Our family at SoFreshSmells, came over and we got to work… excited to try out frankincense on our pets.  We made a Pet Anti-Anxiety Spray and was amazed at how quickly it worked.

We brought the dogs in the house during our storm and of course they were all over the place, anxious and loud.  We sprayed the Spritz in their beds and the back of their necks and we literally had to check on them… because they were so quiet and calm.  So I’m a believer!

How to use frankincense essential oil:

For humans – You can put 3-4 drops of frankincense essential oil in a diffuser and then inhale the aroma.You can also mix it with lavender essential oil for even more relaxation. To directly ingest it, dilute 1 drop of frankincense oil in 4 fl oz of liquid. For topical use, apply 1-2 drops to the skin in your desired area along with a carrier oil, like grape seed oil, and then massage into the skin.

For pets – As animals have a much stronger sense of smell than humans, only put 1-2 drops of frankincense essential oil in the diffuser for them to breathe, and pay attention to make sure they don’t negatively react to the smell. For oral use, use 1-2 drops of the oil diluted in your pet’s water bowl or in their food. For topical use, only use 1-2 drops of oil diluted in a carrier oil so as not to irritate your pet’s skin.

Here is a scale from

“For horses and cattle, apply 4-6 drops along the spine from tail to head, topically directly over the area of concern, or you can give 2 drops twice daily with feed to give internally. This is helpful over the poll of these animals as well.

For dogs, dilute 1 drop in 20-50 drops of carrier oil and give one diluted drop internally mixed with food, or apply topically along the spine or directly over the area of concern or between the paw pads of the back feet.

For cats, water diffusion is preferred, if applied topically dilute 1 drop per 100 drops of carrier oil prior to applying to the area of concern or by petting along the spine.

Frankincense is safe to diffuse around reptiles and small mammals as well.”

Below are most effective dosages, according to The National Institutes of Health

  • Asthma: 300–400 mg, three times per day
  • Crohn’s disease: 1,200 mg, three times per day
  • Osteoarthritis: 200 mg, three times per day
  • Rheumatoid arthritis: 200–400 mg, three times per day
  • Ulcerative colitis: 350–400 mg, three times per day
  • Gingivitis: 100–200 mg, three times per day

Let us know if you’ve ever tried frankincense!

We have an entire page of other natural remedies here. 



I am positive you and lemon have already met but allow me to reacquaint you.

Squeezed over anything and into anything, lemon does not disappoint in adding that

sour sweetness into our lives. And your taste buds do not fool you so let’s take a look at everything besides flavor that it nourishes our life with.

One average lemon provides about 30 mg of vitamin C, that’s about half of what’s recommended we take daily.

Keep in mind, some of that Vitamin C is stored in the lemon peel… about 7 grams, so don’t toss that goodness.

Our ancestors knew its benefits, in fact for centuries, sailors took lemons on long voyages to help treat and prevent scurvy.

Scurvy is a condition that killed millions of explorers, due to a Vitamin C deficiency.

That shows you how vital Vitamin C is for our health! It plays a huge role in the formation of collagen, the support system of the skin. It is an antioxidant and also helps maintain our skin, bones and blood vessels.

So lemons give you all of those benefits and more! They are also an excellent source of flavonoids, which are antioxidants.

The whole fruit, from peel to pulp, is good for you!

Unlike many fruits, lemons do not ripen or improve in quality after picking.

So the best time to harvest is when they are ripe and you’ll want to store them at room temperature away from direct sunlight.

In high enough quantities, the various nutrients in lemon are known to produce even more health benefits including:

1. Support Heart Health

2. Help Control Weight

3. Prevent Kidney Stones

4. Protect against anemia

5. Reduce cancer risk

6. Improve Digestive Health

I add lemon to my food, tea, water… you name it!

How do you use lemons? I’d love some yummy recipes! Email me.  

We have an entire page of natural remedies to help with whatever ailments you’re experiencing, everything from gas, to sore throats, allergies, even weight loss.


Recycling 101

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but…there’s a good chance you’re recycling wrong. But don’t worry, you’re not alone and that’s why we’re here to push you towards the right direction. 

The following are just a few things

you probably didn’t know about recycling: 

  1. Most coffee cups are not recyclable because they are lined with plastic. The best alternative is to go ahead and buy a reusable coffee mug to enjoy your cup of joe. 
  2. Used cardboard pizza boxes are also not recyclable because the amount of grease left on them prevents the paper fibers from being able to be separated from the oils during the recycling process.
  3. Plastic bags don’t go in your curbside recycling bin because they can get stuck in the conveyor built at the recycling center. Your safest bet is to take them to your local grocery store that has a plastic bag drop-off box and if you don’t know where you can find one you can visit to help you find a location near you.
  4. A lot of cities and states have websites that list locations to recycle anything you can think of, all you need to do is a quick online search wherever you are. Here in Arizona we have that gives you a hand finding a place to go.
  5. Plastic forks, spoons and knives come in a variety of low-grade plastics that are impossible to identify and are too small so most places won’t take them.
  1. The Association of Postconsumer Plastic Recyclers says to crush plastic bottles because it can prevent bottle caps from shooting all over the place when the bottles are crushed at the recycling center.

Term to know: 

Wishful Recycling: Recycling items when you are unsure if they’re truly recyclable but hoping someone somewhere will figure that out for you. When non-recyclable materials are mixed in with your recycling, it can ruin the entire batch of recycling. So if you’re ever not sure if something can be recycled, give it a quick google before tossing it into a bin.



The Truth About Elderberry

Elderberry has been gaining popularity recently with claims that it helps fight COVID-19, is a potent cold and flu remedy, and can help reduce upper respiratory irritation. You may have seen more elderberry supplements at the grocery store or even cough syrups with elderberry added as an ingredient. I am intrigued by all of the claims that this berry has so many benefits and I wanted to find out more!


First things first: Elderberry’s scientific name is sambucus and is the product of the European elder tree, which grows in warm areas of Europe, Northern Africa, Asia, and North America (that’s us!). Elderberries are very dark purple – almost black – in color and are edible. The use of medicinal elderberry dates back thousands of years and is still used today by so many people who say it is the best remedy for the cold and flu season.


The most common use of elderberry is for helping treat symptoms like congestion, cough, and fatigue that accompany the cold and flu. The reasoning behind this is that elderberries contain hemagglutinin protein which has been shown to limit a virus’s capability to replicate in the body, making you feel better more quickly because production of those icky germs making you sick are slowed, if not stopped. A study performed by Norweigan pharmacists and doctors showed that patients with flu-like symptoms who were given elderberry syrup had relief of their symptoms 4 days earlier than those who were given the placebo! Next time you feel like you may be coming down with the cold or flu, try taking some elderberry syrup right away and you may notice your symptoms are much more manageable!


Another claim that has been circulating is that elderberry is an effective remedy for COVID-19.     I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the National Institutes of Health officially says not to rely on elderberry for prevention or treatment of COVID-19. However, while elderberry may not be the magic “cure” for COVID-19, its antiviral properties may help curb symptoms. But, there is not yet much research to support a definitive answer on if elderberry really does help fight COVID-19.


Yep, there’s still more! Some people with asthma or who experience frequent airway irritation have said that elderberry relieves their symptoms. Elderberry syrups are antioxidant rich and can actually reduce inflammation in the airways, and improve lung function when experiencing allergies. 


If you’re like me, you’re probably now wondering how you can get your hands on some of this! It appears that the best and safest way to consume elderberries is in syrup form. Some people say they have experienced nausea or vomiting by eating the whole, fresh or dried berries due to the raw seeds. You can make your own elderberry syrup at home or buy it from most health food stores. It is recommended to take ½ to 1 tablespoon of syrup once a day for mild symptoms, or this same dosage every 2-3 hours for more severe symptoms.


If you’ve ever used elderberry as a remedy please email us and let us know if it worked for you!


And if you’re having any other unpleasant symptoms, check our natural remedies page for some relief. 



When many of us think of gardens, most don’t consider planting things for medicinal purposes. But it’s something you definitely want to keep in mind when planting your home garden because a medicinal herb garden can help you treat a variety of illnesses and you never know when you might need them!

If you only have room for one, my choice is the Moringa tree.  It’s technical name… Moringa oleifera.

The Moringa tree is probably one of the most important all around medicinal trees.  Some call it a miracle tree because it pretty much helps heal whatever ailments you need to treat.  The benefits are endless… It’s known to improve the immune system, nourish the brain and eyes, lower the appearance of wrinkles, promote energy, act as an antioxidant, among so many other benefits.

According to Moringa Farms, “Gram for gram, Moringa can have three times the potassium you would find in a banana, four times the vitamin A found in a carrot, and seven times the vitamin C found in an orange. Moringa is also rich in minerals, vitamins, essential amino acids, phytochemicals, vegetable proteins, anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory agents, and carbohydrates.” 

Think about what that means… seven times more Vitamin C than oranges?  So naturally moringa is a great immune booster.  Vitamin C alone is known to help protect against immune deficiencies, helps with colds and flu, aids in wound healing and is great for heart health. Add the huge amount of Vitamin A and you have even more benefits including supporting bone health, maintaining healthy vision, it even helps reduce the risk of acne and reproductive health in men and women. The benefits are truly ongoing!

It’s hard to believe the seeds are supposed to contain genetic information to prevent more than 300 diseases.

That’s hundreds of reasons I use the leaves daily, whether it be in a tea or the leaves being sprinkled throughout my meals. There is so much you can do with moringa leaves… eat them raw or cooked.  You can even dry the leaves to use year-round. I even dry my leaves for moringa powder!

You can find teas and dried leaves online.  

You can also enjoy the benefits by growing your own!!

It’s one of the most resilient trees we own in Phoenix… where the temperatures reach up to 120 degrees.  

When we first planted our first moringa tree, about 11 years ago, it was in a place where it got beat up consistently with my kids basketballs.  But every time we thought it lost its battle, it came back.  Now it’s a huge tree in our garden and it’s definitely fertile.  We have volunteer trees throughout our yard and our neighbor’s yard.

So if you’re thinking of planting a moringa tree, here are a few things to consider:

  • Moringa does not like the cold and loses it leaves in colder climates, when the average temperature drops below 70 degrees.  This doesn’t mean it isn’t feasible to grow in cold climates.  Some people use pots and bring them in when the temperature is too cold; Since they’re subtropical trees, they grow best in warmer climates, USDA zones 8-10. Other than liking warm conditions, it’s not very picky and is pretty easy to grow.
  • Moringa is a resilient tree. It can survive drought conditions.  One of my moringa trees is more than 10 years old, so I don’t water it at all.  It depends on rainwater.  I live in Phoenix, so that means there’s not much humidity in the air and we only get about 8 inches of rain per year.  And the tree is happy, produces gorgeous leaves and pods and is extremely fertile because I now have moringa popping up throughout the yard.
  • It loves the sun! The best location for a moringa tree is a spot that receives full sunlight, typically eight or more hours of light per day.
  • Although moringa plants can survive in poor soil if needed, they thrive in well-drained, sandy soils.  They are sensitive to root rot, so soil that holds too much moisture isn’t ideal.   

After all of that, I still believe moringa is a must-have. If you decide to grow it, you won’t regret it because once established it is actually easy to grow and maintain.  They are low maintenance and require little care.

How to Plant Moringa Seeds

Moringa is a warm-season crop so you’ll want to make sure any risk of frost is gone.

The seeds need warm summer nights to thrive, so keep them at about 60℉, in a location that gets sunlight most of the day.  If they don’t get enough light, it could stunt their growth.

Most gardeners plant them directly in the soil where they plan to keep the tree.  Some say immature seedlings often die when transplanted because they are delicate.  My experience with moringa is that it’s extremely fertile, it sprouts throughout my yard like a weed.  So if it survives that easily on its own, it is definitely feasible even if you don’t think you have a green thumb!

Dig a hole that’s about one-foot deep and wide, then fill it with a mixture of soil and compost. Plant four to five seeds about an inch deep into the hole, keeping the seeds two inches apart.  You can use a finger to push a hole into the soil and just drop in the seeds. 

Next, you’ll want to water the seeds right away. Moringa seeds tend to germinate within one to two weeks.

Keeping them moist will give the best chance of germination, but you don’t want to drown them.

If after watering there is water sitting on top of the soil, you’ve probably watered too much.

Once the trees are established, they are drought resistant.  But until then, the plants and immature trees still need water to survive.  Depending on your climate, once per week is usually sufficient.  I stick my finger in the soil up to my second knuckle.  If it feels dry, it can probably use watering.

When it comes to watering the established plants, infrequent deep watering tends to do better than frequent light watering.

As for fertilizer, one way to save is by using compost.  Just apply a three to four inch layer of compost around the tree regularly; regularly depends on the age of your tree.

Now you’re ready to reap all of the benefits of owning your moringa tree!  You no longer need to leave home for medicine.

And don’t forget to save your pods which are filled with fresh seeds, ready for germination!

Still need seeds?  Check out our Etsy shop for moringa and other medicinal seeds. 



Wait until I tell you about this wonder herb called anise! 

Anise is a flowering plant in the Apiaceae family with “roots” in Southwest Asia and in the eastern Mediterranean. The seeds and oil from this herb are most commonly used to make medicine, but some people also use the roots and leaf part of anise. You can find or grind your own anise powder as a supplement as well! Anise has a semi-sweet taste and flavor almost like black licorice. This distinct flavor and fragrance of anise is sometimes used in natural soaps, lotions, and perfumes. I even read that the use of anise has been traced back to 1500 B.C. in Egypt!

And guess what?! Anise is a natural remedy for stomach aches and indigestion that can cause uncomfortable gas. The seeds contain an oil called anethole that can aid in food digestion. Anise also stimulates the production of gastric “juices” that make it easier for your body to regulate digestion without causing uncomfortable gas and pain. This powerful herb also contains anti-fungal properties that combat gas build-up and fermentation in the bowels. 

How do you use it?

The most popular way to consume anise is in tea form! You can buy pre-made anise herbal tea from most health food stores, and you can also use the whole seeds to brew tea. Whole seeds can be chewed on their own, but if you’re not a fan of crunchy seeds, then I would recommend brewing a nice cup of anise herbal tea. 

Ground or whole anise seeds can also be added to dough when baking and the extracted oil can be added to beverages for flavor. If you like the taste of licorice, then you will most likely love adding a hint of anise to foods of your choice.

I found ground and whole anise seeds, even powder online and in grocery stores.  But with all of these benefits, why not grow your own.

Here’s what you need to know to grow:

Anise is simple to grow in places like Arizona! To get started, find a location with full sunlight and well-drained soil. Plant the seeds about a half inch deep. You will need to water anise until it progresses into a grown plant (about 6-8 inches high), and then you can gradually reduce irrigation. By this point, it can withstand periods of drought and dry weather, which makes it perfect to grow in desert-like climates! The best time to harvest your anise is when the flowers have gone to seed so that you can collect those seeds, dry them out and save some of them for more planting!

Email us and let us know how you use anise! 



The wound healing, fever reducing herb


Yarrow is a famed medicinal plant native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere in Asia, and Europe and North America. 

The plant compounds are supposed to benefit wound healing, digestive issues, reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, aid in brain health, and flight inflammation. 

Fun Fact: Yarrow is known for treating nosebleeds by putting a pinch of the plant in the nostril where the bleeding is and blowing it out after the bleeding has stopped fully. 

It’s use as a circulatory system remedy comes from its ability to stop bleeding and move stagnant blood, preventing and clearing blood clots. It tones the blood vessels and lowers high blood pressure.


Dried, powdered yarrow can be used to stop bleeding by sprinkling the wound with yarrow powder or you can use fresh leaves and flowers; just wet them and apply pressure. 

The dried, powdered yarrow can also applied after wounds are cleaned and be used to make wound healing salves.

Here’s a Salve Recipe

Melt around ½ oz of beeswax and mix with at least 4 oz of Yarrow oil and a few drops of any other essential oil if you’d like as well to create a balm like texture to use as a moisturizer, a lip balm, or as a burn salve!


Where do you get Yarrow?


I’ve seen dried yarrow flower, yarrow oil and yarrow tea all over the internet, but you can also grow it to make your own meds!

Yarrow grows best in sunny areas and in well-drained soil. 

To dry your yarrow, hang whole stems in bunches or place them on brown paper in a warm dry place. Allow a few weeks to go by and you will find them dry! Strip the leaves and flowers off the stems and crumble for use in tea. 

Yarrow Tea 

Use 1 teaspoonful of dried yarrow per cup of boiling water, and let it steep for 10 minutes. Strain and drink warm. 

If you are experiencing a cold or a fever you can drink some every two hours or at least three cups a day until you start feeling better. 

For cuts or abrasions use externally as a wash for cuts. 

For a healthy scalp and shiny hair use as a hair rinse. Just take the yarrow oil and mix it with a carrier oil.  Applying it to your scalp is supposed to help stimulate new hair growth.

Other uses for yarrow tea: 

  • Colds and fevers 
  • Scanty menstruation 
  • Heavy periods 
  • Menstrual clotting 
  • High blood pressure 
  • To tone varicose veins 
  • To prevent blood clots 
  • Tension
  • Weak digestion


Where do you get yarrow?

I’m always a promoter of growing your own.  Yarrow likes full sun and although it does best in well drained soil, it will also thrive in poor, dry soils – you just won’t get as big of a harvest.



Fennel is a useful and delicious herb to have in your garden. Native to the Southern Mediterranean, fennel is completely edible from the leaves to the seeds. It looks quite similar to an onion but has a lighter and refreshing flavor and many say it even tastes like licorice! And just like onion most people eat it raw, sautéed, roasted, or added to soups and sauces. 

There are a few varieties of fennel but Florence fennel (Foeniculum vulgare var. azoricum) is the type you want to grow if you want to use the stems as a vegetable and use the leaves and seeds as well. 

Medicinal Benefits: 


Fennel can be used to treat mild gastrointestinal disorders, abdominal fullness, intestinal wind, cough and bronchitis, and hernias.

Fresh fennel bulb is a good source of vitamin C, a water-soluble vitamin critical for immune health, tissue repair, and collagen synthesis – Both the bulb and seeds contain the mineral manganese, which is important for enzyme activation, metabolism, cellular protection, bone development, blood sugar regulation, and wound healing.


How to Grow Fennel 

Fennel should be grown where the sun can shine upon it and should not be planted where there is dill or coriander because the plant may cross-pollinate easily and seed production will be reduced. Fennel is self-sowing so if you plant it once, you’ll see fennel every spring! 


How to Eat Fennel 


Closely shave the bulb and marinate it in lemon juice, olive oil, and salt. Eat on its own or add to a salad! 

Sauté it: Heat a medium saute pan over medium-high and then add oil, garlic if you’d like, and of course the fennel (thinly sliced). Season with salt and pepper and as the fennel starts to caramelize, add a splash of water to steam for 1 minute. Remove from the heat. Use as side dish in any meal.

Roasted Wedges: Preheat your oven to 400 degrees and cut the bulb of your fennel into wedges as thin as you’d like. Toss with olive oil, salt, and pepper for 25-35 minutes until the wedges are tender and caramelized around the edges. Enjoy as a snack! 


How To Make Fennel Tea (Especially Good For Digestion) 


  • 1 to 2 teaspoons freshly crushed fennel seeds 
  • 1 cup boiling water 

Directions: In a teapot, steep fennel seeds in boiling water for 5-10 minutes, depending on desired strength. Strain and serve.


How to use turmeric for healing

I was fascinated when I heard about turmeric and the surprising health benefits it has. Turmeric is a relative of ginger that is yellow-orange in color and is a product of the Curcuma longa plant, which is native to South Asia. This is why turmeric is included in many Indian, Asian, and Middle Eastern dishes! Turmeric is often found in powder form, but you can also find whole turmeric root and turmeric capsules (pills) in some grocery stores. Here’s why turmeric is worth the hype:


Turmeric contains a substance called “curcumin” that has anti-inflammatory properties, and is also what gives turmeric its yellow-ish color! People who have arthritis or other health conditions that cause inflammation in the body have claimed that consuming turmeric helps improve their pain. The Mayo Clinic even says that one study found that taking turmeric 3 times a day was comparable to ingesting a 1,200 milligram dose of ibuprofen! 


The curcumin in turmeric can relieve joint swelling and morning stiffness… get your minds out of the gutter, I’m referring to stiffness in your joints.  So it’s beneficial for those with arthritis and any joint pain.


I enjoy drinking turmeric teas because they help me feel more nimble and improve my day-to-day movement. 


Turmeric has also been linked to helping improve Type 2 diabetes, lowering cholesterol, and shown to stop tumor cell growth in animals. 


However, it is important to note that curcumin in turmeric is not well absorbed in the body on its own. Studies have shown that curcumin has poor bioavailability, meaning that it can’t always be detected in blood and other tissue. Not to worry, there are solutions!


  1.  Black pepper! There is a compound in black pepper, called piperine, that boosts how well your body absorbs curcumin. Piperine can aid digestion and improve headaches and nausea. When combining black pepper with turmeric, it can increase the curcumin that your body will absorb so that you don’t have to miss out on all of its advantages! One study suggested adding 20 milligrams of piperine to 2 grams of curcumin for it to be fully benefiting your body.


  1. You can also use the whole turmeric root. Since it’s not being processed, you don’t have to worry about losing any compounds, making it easier to absorb the curcumin.


  1. Another option is to mix it with healthy fats. The curcumin will bind to fat, making it easier for our guts to absorb it. So cooking with fats like coconut oil, or a smoothie with full fat dairy, almond or coconut milk will optimise the body’s absorption of curcumin… which brings me to one of my favorite ways to use it!


How to use it:

There are lots of ways to consume turmeric!


  • Make a smoothie

One thing I like to do is blend fresh, whole turmeric root into smoothies! It can have a pungent flavor, but when combined with other greens and fruit (especially pineapple) in smoothies, tastes very mild. I use 1 inch of whole turmeric root, which is equivalent to 1 tablespoon of ground turmeric per smoothie.


  • Drink Tea

Another way to get your daily dose of turmeric is to drink a cup of turmeric tea steeped for 3-4 minutes.


  • Spice up your meals

I also love adding about half a teaspoon of ground turmeric to a bowl of soup – it adds a unique flavor and spice. Truly I add turmeric AND pepper to most of my dishes including beans, eggs, even rice.


Because turmeric is a natural blood thinner, some experts suggest not taking it before surgery. If you’re unsure, consult your doctor.


If you have any other turmeric uses or recipes, send us an email and let us know!

If you find yourself trying out some turmeric recipes and make a mess, we’ve got you covered with 3 natural ways to get rid of turmeric stains!